Quantity Catalog - Power, Radiant flux
Power, Radiant flux is the measure of the total amount of energy emitted per unit of time. It quantifies the rate at which electromagnetic radiation is emitted or received.
Common units of measurements related to Power, Radiant flux include watts (W) and joules per second (J/s). These units are commonly used to measure the power output of light bulbs, lasers, solar panels, and other devices that emit or receive electromagnetic radiation.
- Used in the design and analysis of lighting systems
- Essential in the development of solar energy technologies
- Important in the study of optics and electromagnetic radiation
- Crucial in the field of telecommunications for signal transmission
- Plays a key role in the measurement and control of thermal energy in various industries
(power base)
Power, radiant flux, is the rate at which radiant energy is emitted, transmitted, or received per unit time. |
1 hp = 745.6999 m^2*kg/s^3; The unit "hp" stands for horsepower and is a measurement of power or the rate at which work is done. It is equivalent to 746 watts and is commonly used to measure the power output of engines and motors. |
1 hpH2O = 746.043 m^2*kg/s^3; The unit "hph2o" is a measurement of power in the context of radiant flux. It is commonly known as hpH2O and is used to quantify the power output in water-related systems. |
1 hpUK = 745.7 m^2*kg/s^3; The "hpuk" is a unit of power and radiant flux. It is known as hpUK and represents the power output in horsepower in the United Kingdom. |
1 hpUS = 735.4988 m^2*kg/s^3; The unit "hpus" is a measurement of power or radiant flux. It is known as hpUS and is commonly used in the field of power engineering. |
1 hpb = 9809.5 m^2*kg/s^3; The unit "hpb" is a measure of power and radiant flux. It is commonly used in scientific and engineering contexts. |
1 hpe = 746 m^2*kg/s^3; The unit "hpe" is a measurement of power or radiant flux. It is commonly used in the field of physics and engineering. |
1 kW = 1000.0 m^2*kg/s^3; A kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power measuring 1000 watts. It is commonly used to quantify the rate at which energy is transferred or work is done in various applications. |
luminosity for absolute bolometric magnitude
1 L_bol0 = 3.0128e+28 m^2*kg/s^3; "l_bol0" is a unit of measurement of Power, representing the luminosity for absolute bolometric magnitude. |
1 MW = 1000000.0 m^2*kg/s^3; A megawatt (MW) is a unit of power equal to one million watts. It is commonly used to measure the power output of large electrical generation plants or industrial equipment. |
nominal solar luminosity
1 L_sun = 3.828e+26 m^2*kg/s^3; The physical unit "l_sun" is a measure of radiant flux or power, specifically the nominal solar luminosity. It represents the total power emitted by the Sun. |
1 sw = 3.9e+26 m^2*kg/s^3; The physical unit "sw" is a measure of radiant flux, representing power per unit solid angle. It is commonly used in the field of optics and radiometry. |
1 W = 1.0 m^2*kg/s^3; The physical unit "w" is a measurement of power. It is commonly known as a watt and represents the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. |
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