Quantity Catalog - Plane angle
angle degree
1 deg = 0.0174532925199432 rad; "deg" is a unit of measurement for plane angles, also known as angle degrees. It is commonly used to measure rotations and angles in various fields such as mathematics and physics. |
angle minute
1 minA = 0.000290888208665721 rad; A mina is a unit of plane angle measurement equal to 1/60th of a degree. It is commonly used in navigation and astronomy to measure small angles with precision. |
angle second
1 secA = 4.84813681109535e-06 rad; A seca is a unit of plane angle, also known as an angle second. It is commonly used in trigonometry and navigation calculations. |
1 gon = 0.01570796 rad; The gon is a unit of plane angle measurement, also known as a gradian. It is equivalent to 1/400th of a full circle, or 9/10 of a degree. |
1 grade = 0.01570796 rad (one hundreadth of the right angle); A grade, also known as a gradian, is a unit of plane angle measurement equal to one hundredth of a right angle. It is commonly used in surveying and engineering. |
1 milA = 0.0009817477 rad; A "mila" is a unit of plane angle, equivalent to one-thousandth of a radian. It is commonly known as a milliradian and is denoted by the symbol mrad. |
1 rad = 1.0 rad (Base Unit); The radian (rad) is a unit of measurement for plane angles, equivalent to the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius. |
1 rev = 6.283185 rad; A "rev" is a unit of plane angle measurement, representing one complete revolution around a circle, equal to 360 degrees. It is commonly used in geometry and trigonometry. |
1 rot = 6.283185 rad; A "rot" is a unit of measurement for plane angles, equivalent to one complete rotation around a circle. It is commonly used in geometry and trigonometry to measure angles. |
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