Quantity Catalog - Length, Wavelength
UoMs for Quantitites > Quantities of Typical Objects > Length, Wavelength
Home Refresh UoMs for Quantitites > Quantities of Typical Objects > Length, Wavelength
Approximate Proton radius r_proton |
Average distance between the Earth and the Moon l_earth_moon |
Average thickness of human hair th_hair |
Classical electron radius r_electron |
Effective cross section radius of 1 MeV neutrinos r_neutrino |
Effective cross section radius of high-energy neutrinos r_neutrino_he |
Nominal Earth equatorial radius r_earth |
Nominal Jupiter equatorial radius r_jupiter |
Nominal Solar radius r_sun |
Range of weak force l_weak_force |
Upper bound of typical size range for fundamental strings l_string |
Home Refresh UoMs for Quantitites > Quantities of Typical Objects > Length, Wavelength