Standard Calculator Catalog - SCM

Home Standard (Refresh) Personal Public Cals > All > Business > SCM
  Calculate Inventory Level invlevel

Calculate Inventory Level: Determine stock levels based on demand, reorder points, and lead times. Plan orders efficiently for optimal inventory management.

  Calculate Purchase Cost purcost

Calculate the total cost of purchasing items based on various factors like demand, transaction cost, and order quantity. Optimize your order quantity for cost efficiency.

  Economic Order Quantity and Total Cost eoq

Calculate the Economic Order Quantity and Total Cost for efficient inventory management. Find order interval, material, inventory, transaction, and operational costs.

  Facility Location Optimization - Facility to Customer facility_opt

Calculate the optimal facility locations for customers based on various constraints and criteria. Optimize costs and distances.

  Source Destination Mesh sd_mesh

Calculate source to destination mesh connections with customizable labels. Visualize the network for analysis.

  Source Transit Destination Mesh std_mesh

Calculate and visualize connections between sources, transits, and destinations in a mesh network. Customize labels and edge styles.

  Transportation Optimization - Plant to Customer transport_opt

Optimize transportation from plant to customer with cost analysis for efficient delivery. Plan routes for maximum efficiency and cost savings.

  Transshipment Optimization - Plant -> Distribution Center -> Customer transship_opt

Optimize the flow from Plant to Customer through Distribution Center. Visualize the network and solution.

Home Standard (Refresh) Personal Public Cals > All > Business > SCM