Word Frequency Analysis (word_freq)

This calculator analyzes word frequency in a text or URL, showing top words and their occurrence percentages.

Word Frequency Analysis


The Word Frequency Analysis function helps you analyze the frequency of words in a given text. It provides insights into the most commonly used single and double words along with their frequency percentages.

Use Cases

  • Analyzing the frequency of words in a piece of text
  • Identifying the most commonly used single and double words
  • Understanding the distribution of word frequencies in the text

How to Use

  1. Enter the text you want to analyze in the Text field.
  2. Optionally, you can specify the number of top words to display in the Top field.
  3. Click on the Analyze button to see the results.

Input Values

  1. Text: Enter the text you want to analyze.
  2. Description: The text in which you want to analyze word frequencies.
  3. Top: Number of top words to display.
  4. Description: Number of most frequently occurring words to show in the results.
  5. Default: 20

Output Values

  1. Single Word Count: Total count of single words in the text.
  2. Double Word Count: Total count of double words (word pairs) in the text.
  3. Top Words: A table showing the top words along with their counts and frequency percentages.

Any other Instruction

  • The results will provide insights into the frequency of single and double words in the text.
  • You can use the information to understand the key words used and their distribution in the text.

Code Analysis

  1. The function counts the frequency of single words and double words in the input text.
  2. It calculates the percentage frequency of each word.
  3. The function then sorts and selects the top words based on their frequency.
  4. Finally, it returns the total count of single and double words, along with a table of the top words.

Technical Details

  • Technical Parameter names: text, top
  • Return Values: Single Word Count, Double Word Count, Top Words

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

word_freq('Hello world, hello!')
word_freq('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.', top=10)

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Calculator: word_freq, Created by: super, V#0: , Variant owner: , Link