Calculate Area of a Triangle (triangle)

Calculate the area, sides, and angles of a triangle with this versatile calculator. Perfect for geometry enthusiasts.

Calculate Area of a Triangle


The purpose of this function is to calculate the area of a triangle based on the input provided by the user.

Use Cases

  • You can use this function to calculate the area of a triangle when you know the lengths of the sides or the base and height, or all three sides.
  • This can be helpful in various fields such as construction, architecture, and mathematics.

How to Use

  1. Enter the values for the parameters in the input fields.
  2. Click on the 'Calculate' button to get the result.

Input Values

  1. Side A: Length of side A. (default unit is feet)
  2. Side B: Length of side B. (default unit is feet)
  3. Side C: Length of side C. (default unit is feet)
  4. Base: Length of the base of the triangle. (default unit is feet)
  5. Height: Height of the triangle. (default unit is feet)
  6. Angle: Angle of the triangle. (default unit is degrees)

Output Values

  1. Area: Area of the triangle. (unit: square feet)
  2. Side A: Length of side A. (unit: feet)
  3. Side B: Length of side B. (unit: feet)
  4. Side C: Length of side C. (unit: feet)
  5. Angle AB: Angle between sides A and B. (unit: degrees)
  6. Angle BC: Angle between sides B and C. (unit: degrees)
  7. Angle CA: Angle between sides C and A. (unit: degrees)

Any other Instruction

  • Make sure to enter the values accurately to get the correct result.
  • If you have any doubts or need assistance, please refer to the help section.

Steps of Calculation

  1. The function calculates the area of the triangle based on the method selected by the user.
  2. It then uses the input values to determine the lengths of the sides and angles of the triangle.
  3. Finally, it returns the calculated area along with other relevant values.

Technical Parameters

method, side_a, side_b, side_c, base, height, angle, result_area_unit, result_length_unit, result_angle_unit

Return Values

Area, Side a, Side b, Side c, Angle ab, Angle bc, Angle ca

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

  1. Calculate Area of a Triangle with Side Lengths:
triangle(method='2', side_a='10 ft', side_b='12 ft', angle='30 deg')
  1. Calculate Area of a Triangle with Base and Height:
triangle(method='1', base='8 ft', height='6 ft', angle='45 deg')

Click on Help icon to open the help page on a separate window.

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