Calculate Trans function transfers data from a source to a destination field.

Calculate Trans


The "Calculate Trans" function in this web app is used to transfer data from one source to another destination within the app.

Use Cases

  • Transferring data from a CSV file to a pie chart data field.
  • Moving data from a table to a chart.

How to Use

  1. Enter the source function name.
  2. Enter the source field name.
  3. Enter the destination function name.
  4. Enter the destination field name.

Input Values

  1. Source Func: Name of the source function.
  2. Source Field: Name of the source field.
  3. Dest Func: Name of the destination function.
  4. Dest Field: Name of the destination field.

Output Values

  • Transfer Queue: The data transfer queue containing the source and destination information.

Any Other Instructions

  • Ensure that the source and destination function names and field names are accurately entered.
  • Double-check the input values before initiating the data transfer.

Calculation Steps

The function simply takes the input data provided by the user and returns it as a transfer queue.

Technical Parameters

  • transfer_queue

Return Values

  • transfer_queue

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

trans(Source Func='csv_reader', Source Field='table', Dest Func='pie2_chart', Dest Field='data')
trans(Source Func='table_data', Source Field='data', Dest Func='bar_chart', Dest Field='values')

Click on Help icon to open the help page on a separate window.

Source Func Source Field Dest Func Dest Field
csv_reader table pie2_chart data

Calculator: trans, Created by: super, V#0: , Variant owner: , Link