Create a beautiful spiral curve with adjustable parameters for visualization. Explore different shapes and patterns effortlessly.

Spiral Curve


The Spiral Curve function in this web app is used to generate a graphical representation of a spiral curve based on user-defined parameters.

Use Cases

This function can be used to visualize and study the shape of a spiral curve. It can be helpful for educational purposes, engineering designs, or simply for artistic exploration.

How to Use

  1. Enter the values for the parameters in the input fields below.
  2. Click on the "Generate Spiral Curve" button to see the graphical representation of the spiral curve.

Input Values

  1. Number of Spirals: Number of spirals to be generated (default is 4).
  2. Parameter A: Controls the size and shape of the spiral curve.
  3. Parameter B: Controls the rate of expansion of the spiral curve.

Output Values

  1. Chart: Graphical representation of the spiral curve.

Any other Instruction

For best results, try adjusting the parameters A and B to see how they affect the shape of the spiral curve.

Steps of Calculation

  1. Generate an array of theta values.
  2. Calculate the x and y coordinates for each point on the spiral curve.
  3. Fill the area enclosed by the curve to create a visual representation.
  4. Convert the generated chart to a base64 encoded image for display.

Technical Parameters

n, a, b

Return Values


Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

spiral(n=5, a=1.5, b=0.3)
spiral(n=3, a=2.0, b=0.1)

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Calculator: spiral, Created by: super, V#0: , Variant owner: , Link