Measure SEO Score of a web page (seo_score)
Measure SEO Score of a web page by analyzing page elements like titles, headings, paragraphs, meta tags, images, links, and keyword density. Get detailed insights and recommendations for optimizing your web page.
Measure SEO Score of a web page
The "Measure SEO Score" function helps you evaluate the search engine optimization (SEO) performance of a web page. It analyzes various elements on the page such as titles, headings, paragraphs, meta tags, images, links, keyword density, and word count to provide an overall SEO score.
Use Cases
- Assessing the effectiveness of SEO strategies on a webpage
- Identifying areas for improvement in SEO optimization
- Comparing SEO performance of different web pages
How to Use
- Enter the URL of the web page you want to analyze.
- Optionally, specify a keyword to analyze its density on the page.
- Click on the "Calculate SEO Score" button.
Input Values
- URL - The web page URL you want to analyze.
- Keyword - (Optional) The keyword you want to analyze for density on the page.
Output Values
- Page Title - The title of the web page.
- Description - The meta description of the web page.
- Overall SEO Score (%) - The calculated SEO score of the page.
- Score Sheet - A detailed breakdown of scores for different elements on the page.
- Text Content - The text content of the page for reference.
Any other Instructions
- The recommended values provided in the "Score Sheet" indicate the ideal ranges for each element.
- Higher scores indicate better SEO optimization.
- The SEO score is calculated based on the analysis of various elements on the page.
Analysis of the Code
- The function retrieves HTML content from the provided URL.
- It parses the HTML using BeautifulSoup to extract relevant information.
- It calculates scores for page title, meta description, headings, paragraphs, meta tags, images, links, keyword density, and word count.
- The overall SEO score is determined by combining individual element scores.
- The function returns a detailed result including the page title, description, SEO score, score sheet, and text content.
Technical Parameters
- url, keyword
Return Values
- Page Title, Description, Overall SEO Score (%), Score Sheet, Text Content
Example Expressions
You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():
seo_score('', 'SEO')
seo_score('', 'optimization')
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