Calculate and display values based on a mathematical expression with variable input. Customize result and chart display.

Redo Calculation


The "Redo Calculation" function allows users to input a mathematical expression with a variable, specify a range of values for the variable, and then calculate the results for each value in the range.

Use Cases

  • Calculate sine, cosine, or any other mathematical function for a range of values.
  • Generate a chart to visualize the results.

How to Use

  1. Enter the mathematical expression in the provided field.
  2. Specify the variable to use in the expression.
  3. Set the start, stop, and step values for the variable range.
  4. Optionally, select the number of decimal places to round off the results.
  5. Click on the "Calculate" button to see the results.

Input Values

  1. Mathematical Expression: Enter the mathematical expression to evaluate.
  2. Variable: Specify the variable used in the expression.
  3. Start Value: The starting value for the variable range.
  4. Stop Value: The ending value for the variable range.
  5. Step Value: The increment value for the variable range.
  6. Round Off: Number of decimal places to round off the results.

Output Values

  1. Results: The calculated results for each value in the specified range.
  2. Chart: A visual representation of the results.

Any other Instruction

  • Ensure the mathematical expression is correctly formatted.
  • Review the results and chart for accuracy.

Steps of Calculation

  1. Determine the range of values for the variable based on the start, stop, and step values.
  2. Evaluate the mathematical expression for each value in the range.
  3. Round off the results to the specified number of decimal places.
  4. Generate a chart to display the results visually.

Technical Parameters

xpr, variable, variation_start, variation_stop, variation_step, step_round_off, result_columns, result_units, chart_columns, chart_units, show

Return Values

results, xvals

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

redo("sine('x deg')", variable='x', variation_start=0.0, variation_stop=360.0, variation_step=10.0, step_round_off=2)
redo("cosine('x rad')", variable='x', variation_start=0.0, variation_stop=2*3.14, variation_step=0.1, step_round_off=3)

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