Portfolio Optimization (portf)
Portfolio Optimization function calculates the optimal weights for a portfolio to achieve a target return. It uses historical data to allocate investments efficiently.
Portfolio Optimization
The Portfolio Optimization function helps you optimize your investment portfolio to achieve a target return by adjusting the weights of different stocks in your portfolio.
Use Cases
- You want to achieve a specific target return on your investment portfolio.
- You want to adjust the weights of different stocks in your portfolio to optimize your returns.
How to Use
- Enter the required input values.
- Click on the "Optimize" button.
- View the optimized portfolio with adjusted weights for each stock.
Input Values
- CSV File: Upload a CSV file containing historical stock data.
- Target Return: Enter the target return percentage you want to achieve.
- Show Input: Check this box if you want to display the input data.
Output Values
- Success: Indicates whether the optimization was successful.
- Expected Return: The expected annualized return of the optimized portfolio.
- Optimized Portfolio: The list of stocks with their optimized weights and average annual returns.
- Log: Log of the optimization process.
- Input Data: The original input data (if selected to be shown) or "Not Shown".
Any Other Instructions
- Make sure to upload a CSV file with historical stock data for accurate optimization.
- Adjust the target return percentage based on your investment goals.
Steps of Calculation
- The function calculates the expected return of the portfolio using the weights of different stocks.
- It optimizes the portfolio by adjusting the weights to achieve the target return.
- The optimized portfolio with adjusted weights is then displayed.
Technical Parameters
- csv_file, target_return, show_input
Return Values
- Success, Expected Return, Optimized Portfolio, Log, Input Data
Example Expressions
You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():
portf(csv_file=data.csv, target_return=0.25)
portf(csv_file=stock_data.csv, target_return=0.3, show_input=True)
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