Simple Pie Chart (pie_chart)

Create a pie chart to visualize data with labels and values. Customize appearance with options like percentage display and shadows.

Simple Pie Chart


The Simple Pie Chart function in this web app allows users to create a visual representation of data in the form of a pie chart. This can help users easily understand the distribution of values in a set of categories.

Use Cases

  • Visualizing the breakdown of expenses in different categories
  • Showing the distribution of sales across different regions
  • Displaying the percentage of different types of products in a store

How to Use

  1. Enter the labels for each category separated by commas in the Labels field.
  2. Enter the corresponding values for each category separated by commas in the Values field.
  3. Optionally, you can customize the chart by adjusting parameters like Title, Show Percentage, Shadow, Radius, Show Labels, Legend, and Labels Include.
  4. Click on the 'Generate Chart' button to create the pie chart.

Input Values

  1. Labels: Enter the names of categories (e.g., Jan, Feb, Mar)
  2. Default unit is inch

  3. Values: Enter the numerical values for each category (e.g., 10, 20, 30)

  4. Default unit is inch

Output Values

  1. Chart: A visual representation of the data in the form of a pie chart.

Any other Instruction

  • Make sure the sum of values matches the total to get an accurate representation.
  • Experiment with different parameters to customize the appearance of the chart.

Code Analysis

The function pie_chart takes input parameters such as labels, values, title, show_pct, shadow, radius, show_labels, legend, and labels_include. It then creates a pie chart based on the provided data and parameters.

Technical Parameters

labels, values, title, show_pct, shadow, radius, show_labels, legend, labels_include

Return Values


Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

  1. pie_chart(labels='Red, Blue, Green', values='30, 40, 50', title='Color Distribution', show_pct=True)
  2. pie_chart(labels='A, B, C, D', values='25, 25, 25, 25', title='Distribution', shadow=True, radius=1.5)

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