Compute Permutations of a list of values (permute)

Calculate permutations of a list of values. Enter values and specify the number of items to permute. Display all permutations generated.

Compute Permutations of a list of values


The purpose of this function is to generate all possible permutations of a given list of values.

Use Cases

This function can be used when you want to explore all the different ways in which a set of items can be arranged.

How to Use

  1. Enter the list of values you want to permute.
  2. Choose the number of values to be included in each permutation.
  3. Click the "Compute Permutations" button to see the results.

Input Values

  1. Values: Enter the list of values separated by commas. (default unit is inch)
  2. Number of Values to Permute: Enter the number of values to be included in each permutation.

Output Values

  1. Permutations: The function will output all possible permutations of the given list of values.

Any other Instruction

Make sure to provide a valid list of values and a number of values to permute to get accurate results.

Steps of Calculation

  1. Convert the input values to a list.
  2. Generate all possible permutations of the list based on the specified number of values.
  3. Display the permutations in a sequential manner.

Technical Parameters

values, n

Return Values


Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():

permute('A, B, C', 2)
permute('Red, Green, Blue', 3)

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