Show Geographic Region (map_region)
Discover the geographic region based on central coordinates and extent. Visualize the area on a map with specified resolution.
Show Geographic Region
The "Show Geographic Region" function in this web app allows users to view a specific geographic region on a map based on the input parameters provided.
Use Cases
- Users can view a specific region on a map.
- Users can mark a specific location on the map.
How to Use
- Enter the required input values in the fields provided.
- Click on the "Show Region" button to view the geographic region on the map.
Input Values
- Central Latitude - Latitude of the central point of the region.
- Default unit is degree.
- Central Longitude - Longitude of the central point of the region.
- Default unit is degree.
- Resolution - Resolution of the map.
- Extent Latitude - Latitude extent of the region.
- Default unit is degree.
- Extent Longitude - Longitude extent of the region.
- Default unit is degree.
Output Values
- Map - Display of the geographic region on the map.
Any other Instruction
- Ensure to enter accurate values for the central latitude, central longitude, extent latitude, and extent longitude to view the correct region on the map.
Code Analysis
- The function initializes a map with the specified resolution.
- It then displays the region on the map based on the central latitude, central longitude, extent latitude, and extent longitude provided.
- The function marks the central point on the map.
- Finally, the function returns the map with the displayed region.
Technical Parameters
- central_latitude, central_longitude, resolution, extent_lat, extent_lng
Return Values
- Map
Example Expressions
You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():
map_region(40.0, -75.0, '100m', 5.0, 10.0)
map_region(30.0, 120.0, '200m', 8.0, 15.0)
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