Show Geographic Region (map_region)

Discover the geographic region based on central coordinates and extent. Visualize the area on a map with specified resolution.

Show Geographic Region


The "Show Geographic Region" function in this web app allows users to view a specific geographic region on a map based on the input parameters provided.

Use Cases

  • Users can view a specific region on a map.
  • Users can mark a specific location on the map.

How to Use

  1. Enter the required input values in the fields provided.
  2. Click on the "Show Region" button to view the geographic region on the map.

Input Values

  1. Central Latitude - Latitude of the central point of the region.
  2. Default unit is degree.
  3. Central Longitude - Longitude of the central point of the region.
  4. Default unit is degree.
  5. Resolution - Resolution of the map.
  6. Extent Latitude - Latitude extent of the region.
  7. Default unit is degree.
  8. Extent Longitude - Longitude extent of the region.
  9. Default unit is degree.

Output Values

  1. Map - Display of the geographic region on the map.

Any other Instruction

  • Ensure to enter accurate values for the central latitude, central longitude, extent latitude, and extent longitude to view the correct region on the map.

Code Analysis

  1. The function initializes a map with the specified resolution.
  2. It then displays the region on the map based on the central latitude, central longitude, extent latitude, and extent longitude provided.
  3. The function marks the central point on the map.
  4. Finally, the function returns the map with the displayed region.

Technical Parameters

  • central_latitude, central_longitude, resolution, extent_lat, extent_lng

Return Values

  • Map

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():

  1. map_region(40.0, -75.0, '100m', 5.0, 10.0)
  2. map_region(30.0, 120.0, '200m', 8.0, 15.0)

Click on Help icon to open the help page on a separate window.

Calculator: map_region, Created by: super, V#0: , Variant owner: , Link