Solve Linear Equations with 2 Unknowns (linear2)

Solve linear equations with 2 unknowns. Enter expressions and values to find the unknowns.

Solve Linear Equations with 2 Unknowns


This function helps you solve a system of two linear equations with two unknown variables.

Use Cases

You can use this function to find the values of two unknown variables in a system of two linear equations.

How to Use

  1. Enter the coefficients and constants of the two linear equations.
  2. Click on the "Solve" button to get the solution.

Input Values

  1. First Linear Expression: Enter the coefficients of the first equation in the format "ax + by" or simply "a, b".
  2. Right Hand Side Part of First Expression: Enter the constant value on the right side of the first equation.
  3. Second Linear Expression: Enter the coefficients of the second equation in the format "ax + by" or simply "a, b".
  4. Right Hand Side Part of Second Expression: Enter the constant value on the right side of the second equation.

Output Values

  • Unknown Value 1: The value of the first unknown variable.
  • Unknown Value 2: The value of the second unknown variable.

Any other Instruction

Make sure to enter the coefficients and constants accurately to get the correct solution.

Steps of Calculation

  1. The function extracts the coefficients from the input expressions.
  2. It forms a system of linear equations using the extracted coefficients.
  3. It then uses matrix operations to solve the system and find the values of the unknown variables.

Technical Parameter names

xpr1, rhs1_part, xpr2, rhs2_part

Return Values

2 unknown values

Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():

linear2('4x+3y', 20.0, '-5x+9y', 26.0)
linear2('-2x+5y', 10.0, '3x-7y', 2.0)

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