Exchange Currency (curx)
Calculate exchanged currency amount with fees, rates, and differences. Buy and sell in different currencies.
Exchange Currency
The Exchange Currency function in this web app helps you calculate the amount you will receive when exchanging one currency for another, taking into account exchange fees and rates.
Use Cases
- When you want to know how much money you will get when exchanging a specific amount of one currency for another.
- When you want to compare the exchange rate you are getting with the current market rate.
How to Use
- Enter the amount you want to exchange in the Buy Amount field.
- Select the currency you are exchanging from in the Buy Currency field.
- Select the currency you want to exchange to in the Sale Currency field.
- Optionally, you can enter the exchange fee in the Exchange Fee field.
- Click on the calculate button to see the results.
Input Values
- Buy Amount: The amount of currency you want to exchange.
- Buy Currency: The currency you are exchanging from.
- Sale Currency: The currency you want to exchange to.
- Exchange Fee: The fee charged for the exchange transaction.
Output Values
- Purchased at Exchange Rate: The amount you will receive based on the exchange rate.
- If Purchased at qCal Rate: The amount you would receive based on the current market rate.
- qCal Rate is: The current exchange rate between the two currencies.
- qCal Rate as of: The date of the exchange rate calculation.
- Difference: The percentage difference between the two exchange rates.
- Sold Amount: The final amount you will receive after the exchange.
Any other Instruction
- Make sure to double-check the input values before calculating.
- Results are based on the exchange rate and fees provided.
Code Analysis
The function calculates the amount to be received after currency exchange, taking into account the exchange fee and rates. It compares the amount you would receive based on the exchange rate with the amount you would receive based on the current market rate.
Technical Parameters
buy_amount, sale_amount, buy_currency, sale_currency, one_buy_currency_equals, one_sale_currency_equals, exchange_fee
Return Values
Purchased at Exchange Rate, If Purchased at qCal Rate, qCal Rate is, qCal Rate as of, Difference, Sold Amount
Example Expressions
You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eva():
curx(buy_amount=500, buy_currency='usd', sale_currency='eur', exchange_fee=10)
curx(sale_amount=800, buy_currency='eur', sale_currency='usd', one_sale_currency_equals=1.2)
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