Simple Currency Converter (cur)
Convert any amount from one currency to another with this Simple Currency Converter. Get accurate rates instantly.
Simple Currency Converter
The Simple Currency Converter function allows you to easily convert an amount from one currency to another.
Use Cases
- If you have an amount in one currency and want to know its equivalent in another currency.
- When you need to make international transactions and want to quickly convert the amount to a different currency.
How to Use
- Enter the amount you want to convert in the Amount field.
- Select the currency you are converting from in the From Currency dropdown menu.
- Select the currency you want to convert to in the To Currency dropdown menu.
- Click on the Convert button to see the converted amount.
Input Values
- Amount: Enter the amount you want to convert.
- From Currency: Select the currency you are converting from. (Default unit is USD)
- To Currency: Select the currency you want to convert to. (Default unit is EUR)
Output Values
- Converted Amount: The equivalent amount in the selected currency.
- Currency Rate as of: The date of the currency rate used for conversion.
Any other Instruction
- Make sure to double-check the selected currencies before converting the amount.
- The currency rate used for conversion may vary slightly from the actual rate due to market fluctuations.
Steps of Calculation
- The amount entered is converted into the specified from_currency.
- The converted amount is then converted into the specified to_currency.
- The final converted amount is displayed along with the currency rate as of a specific date.
Technical Parameter names
amount, from_currency, to_currency
Return Values
Converted Amount, Currency Rate as of
Example Expressions
You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():
cur('100', 'usd', 'eur')
cur('50', 'cad', 'usd')
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