Simple Bar Chart (bar_chart)

Create a simple bar chart showing month wise temperature. Visualize data with ease.

Simple Bar Chart


The Simple Bar Chart function in this web app allows users to create a visual representation of data in the form of a bar chart. This helps users to easily compare different values and trends.

Use Cases

  • Visualizing monthly sales data
  • Comparing temperature changes over different months
  • Analyzing student grades for each subject

How to Use

  1. Enter the names of the categories or months in the Category Names field.
  2. Enter the values corresponding to each category in the Values field.
  3. Optionally, enter a label for the data in the Data Label field.
  4. Enter a title for the chart in the Chart Title field.
  5. Choose whether to display the chart vertically or horizontally by selecting the appropriate option.

Input Values

  1. Category Names: Names of the categories or months (default unit is inch).
  2. Values: Corresponding values for each category (default unit is inch).
  3. Data Label: Label for the data being represented.
  4. Chart Title: Title for the chart.

Output Values

  1. Chart: Visual representation of the data in the form of a bar chart.

Any other Instruction

  • Make sure to enter the data accurately to ensure the chart displays the correct information.

Code Analysis

  1. Convert the category names and values to strings and floats respectively.
  2. Create a bar chart using the provided data.
  3. Return the chart for display.

Technical Parameters

names, values, label, title, vertical

Return Values


Example Expressions

You can use the following expressions to directly evaluate in a non-interactive manner using eval():

  1. bar_chart(names='Jan, Feb, Mar', values='10, 15, 20', label='Sales', title='Monthly Sales', vertical=False)
  2. bar_chart(names='Mon, Tue, Wed', values='5, 10, 15', label='Temperature', title='Weekly Temperature', vertical=True)

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Calculator: bar_chart, Created by: super, V#0: , Variant owner: , Link